Training Summary: 9/22/2014-9/28/2014
Yesterday’s race was a great one. I’ll recap the race and the rest of the day in more detail tomorrow but for now let’s just say it’s hard not to have an AWESOME day when you wake up to this view out your window!I apologize for the screen-obstructed photo… 😉
Let’s take a look at this week’s training.
Training Summary: 9/22/2014-9/28/2014
Monday – AM: 9 miles @ 7:29 pace PM: 30 mins core & body weight exercisesTuesday – 9 miles @ 7:30 pace
Wednesday – AM: 7 mile workout (2 mile warm-up, 2x 600m, 400m, 300m, 200m w/jogging rest, 2 mile cool-down) average pace – 7:12
PM: easy evening run on the treadmill – 3 miles @ 7:22 paceThursday – AM: 8.5 miles @ 7:33 pace PM: 30 mins yoga & stretching
Friday – 13 mile long run @ 7:01 pace along the Charles with a new Oiselle running-buddy 🙂 Saturday – ZOOMA Cape Cod 10K Race (2 mile warm-up, 10K @ 6:14 pace, 2.5 mile cool-down) 11 miles total @ 6:58 average
Sunday – rest day – 30 mins yoga & stretching + 2 mile walk with the pups
Total Mileage: 60.53 miles Average Weekly Pace: 7:16 Total 2014 miles: 2,018.77/3,000
What’s your favorite view to wake up to?
Did you race this weekend?
What was your favorite run this week?