Training Summary: 2/1/2015-2/8/2015

Week 2 of “do every run except the long run on the treadmill” was a success. A success in that I survived and managed to get in all of my mileage.

5 easy runs + 1 workout (12x 600m) + 20 mile long run

photo 1 (86)On Saturday morning my training partner and I met up at the start of the Boston Marathon and ran the first 20 miles of the Boston course. She is training for her 5th Boston in a row so we make sure to hit up the course as often as we can. We made it to the Newton hills but stopped JUST before Heartbreak Hill. Phew, that would have been a rough one after 20 miles.

It was so fun to be out there on the course and see all of the other runners that are training for Boston too! The firefighters in Newton had a little aid station set up in front of their station (right at the bottom of the Newton hills) and were handing out water, Gatorade, snacks and offering up bathrooms to all the runners. How cool is that??

When we got home I made my new favorite breakfast for me and Henri to thank him for waking up early on his weekend to pick us up. Spinach scrambled eggs and toast. The trick to the best scrambled eggs ever is to add a pat of butter right before the eggs are done cooking. Life. Changing!

photo 1 (85)


Long run days require a reallly good dinner so after my sister’s track meet Henri and I headed to the mall so that we could use up a P.F. Chang’s gift card that we had. Since we were already there a stop at Brookestone for 15 minutes in the massage chair was a must!

photo 2 (82)

More snow is headed our way for the next few days so I’m probably in store for week #3 of treadmill running. Bring it Mother Nature! 😉

Training Summary: 2/1/2015-2/8/2015

MondayAM: dynamic warm-up + 6 miles on the treadmill @ 7:34 + 25 mins core strength PM: 45 mins shoveling

TuesdayAM: dynamic warm-up + 9 miles on the treadmill @ 7:34 pace PM: 45 minutes strength training @ the gym

Wednesday – 11 mile workout on the treadmill (2 mile warm-up, 12x 600m with1:30 jogging rest [speeds @ 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.6, 10.6, 10.6, 10.6, 10.7, 10.7, 10.8, 10.8], 2 mile cool-down) 6:53 average pace

ThursdayAM: 8 miles on the treadmill @ 7:41 pace PM: 20 mins core strength

Friday – 9 miles on the treadmill @ 7:28 pace + 30 minutes strength and ladder drills

Saturday – 20 mile long run with my running partner. Started in Hopkinton and ran the first 20 miles of the Boston Marathon course (she’s training for Boston this year so we make sure to hit up the course as often as we can!)

Sunday – 5 miles on the treadmill @ 7:30 pace + 15 mins core strength & 30 minutes of light yoga/stretching

Weekly Totals: Miles = 68.03  * Total Time Running = 8:19:25 * Average Pace = 7:20