Thinking Out Loud Thursday

Happy Thursday!!! The week is almost over – cue all the praise hands! 

Today I wanted to join in with Amanda and do some Thinking Out Loud.

1 – So originally, I was supposed to be flying to Pittsburgh tomorrow for the USA Half Marathon Championships but earlier this week I cancelled all of my travel plans and I’ll be staying home instead. 🙁 If you watch my InstaStories you’ll already know this… but I got sick AGAIN this past weekend on our drive home from Fresno. My deal with my coach was that I would only race the half if I had a killer workout on Sunday and instead I spent most of the day lounging around feeling horrible and taking a long nap while Liv napped. I’m now on day 5 of no running in hopes that my body can rest up, heal completely and *fingers crossed* finish my season out strong with my last two races of the season next month. If that doesn’t happen with this time off that will unfortunately mean the end of my season… only time will tell I guess.

2 – I JUST hit me the other day that Henri and I leave for our trip to Amsterdam in like 6 weeks! All we have is our plane tickets so I really have to get on planning everything else! If you have any tips on where to stay/eat and things to do please please let me know! We’ve never been before!

3 – Liv is killing me with her cuteness recently and I just had to share one adorable story… earlier this week we had friends over for a playdate. As they were getting ready to go my friend was helping her toddler get her sneakers on and her baby who is about 3 months old started crying in her car seat. Liv went straight over to her tried to give her to wub-a-nub and started rocking her car seat back and forth. It made my entire day! I think she might be ready to be a big sister, what about you? 😉 haha

4 – Speaking of siblings – whenever I see Liv with her cousins it makes me so excited for the day that she has a brother or sister because she plays so well with them and just loves being around other kiddos! 

from her cousin’s birthday party last week 🙂

5 – Last fall we attempted to plant a garden and while some things took well (tomatoes and basil) most of the plants died. We’re going for attempt #2 this summer but I’m a total newbie when it comes to gardening. I’m thinking we’ll plant zucchini, tomatoes, basil, cilantro, some other herbs and maybe lettuce? Cross your fingers that this time around goes better – I’ll keep you guys updated on any progress.

6 – For Mother’s Day we’re going to brunch and the beach! I am so excited to kick off beach season and am hoping that we get out there more often this summer than last, especially since Liv is older and able to enjoy the beach even more than she did last year.

#throwback to last year’s beach baby

7 – A few weeks ago I reapplied for the rabbitELITE program for this coming year and I’m hoping to hear good news soon! I love love love their clothes, their mission and their community and would love to be a part of it for ANOTHER year! If you’ve never tried rabbit you should – you can get 10% off your first rabbit order here!

from my first race in my rabbit kit 🙂

And since 7 is my favorite number I’ll end it there 😉

Join in! I’d love to hear your thinking out loud thoughts!