Thinking Out Loud: Lots of Baby Thoughts
Hey there!! Happy Thursday, one more day until the weekend!! I just wanted to pop in today to share some random thoughts, thinking out loud style. Let’s jump in!
1 – I totally thought that I would be better about blogging once the baby came, I mean newborns sleep a lot, right? Well, I didn’t realize how quickly the day can pass in a cycle of nursing, changing diapers, cuddling and trying to get in some sleep while baby naps. Also, my hands are rarely free because I’m soaking up this newborn phase as much as I can!
2 – I am soooo excited for the weekend, Henri has a super long commute to and from work so he’s gone from 8:30-8:30 everyday during the week. Lavinia and I sure love having him home all day on the weekends!
3 – It’s been so ridiculously hot here (like over 100* for the two weeks since Liv was born) that it’s made getting out of the house for walks very tough. This morning we lucked out with temps in the 70’s so I took advantage and took Lavinia for a quick walk.
4 – Speaking of walks… it’s feels SO good to be getting out and moving. I’m not ready by any means to start running again but I’m hoping by the 4 week mark I’ll be ready to try out a mile or two!
5 – For now my postpartum fitness journey just consists of walks and core work. Gotta get those core muscles strong and stable so I don’t get injured when I hop back into running!
6 – My favorite time of day right now is in the morning when Lavinia is trying to wake up, she makes the most adorable faces and stretches really big. I mean, how cute is this??
7 – Who’s excited for the Olympics to start tomorrow?! I really hope all of the issues get resolved and the games are as successful as possible! Besides all the track and field events I’m most excited to watch two of my classmates from Pepperdine compete – Kim Hill is on the USA volleyball team and then my track teammate Sarah Attar is running the marathon for Saudi Arabia. Pretty cool stuff!!

And since 7 is my favorite number I think I’ll leave it there for today! Have a great one!
What are you training for right now?? Let me live vicariously through you while I can’t run!
What are your favorite events to watch in the Olympics?