Training Summary – 6/8/2014
Yesterday was such an amazing day! We were go go go all day… from 5 am to 10pm!
Heartbreak Hill 10K first thing in the morning – Such a fun event AND I got to see Sarah for the second time in two weeks! (full race recap to come!)
Oh – and there was that little part of meeting Shalane- dream come true!
After the race there was a pit-stop at Panera to refuel before…
… doing grad party set up for my sister’s party today and then heading to her All-State track meet!Her 4x800m team broke the school record by 5 seconds! ROCKSTARS! Kel and I may or may not have shed a tear as we watched her tear up the track for the last time we’ll see her race in high school.
Necessary ice cream pit stop on the way to a graduation party.
And finally back home at 10 last night. Phew… I’m tired just thinking about everything we did yesterday! No wonder I felt like sleeping in until noon today (as a general rule of thumb I cannot sleep past 8).
Let’s take a look at my training from this past week!
Sunday SummaryMonday – AM: Dynamic warm-up, 7 miles easy @ 7:29 pace + core & push-ups PM: 3 miles with Finn @ 7:39 pace
Tuesday – 10.2 mile interval workout (2 mile warm-up, 8x 800m [2:44, 2:46, 2:38, 2:45, 2:39, 2:42, 2:41, 2:38], 2 mile cool-down
Wednesday – Dynamic warm-up, 8 miles easy @ 7:28 pace
Thursday – 7 miles easy @ 7:16 pace + squats, lunges & core
Friday – Dynamic warm-up, 5.5 miles easy @ 7:17 pace
Saturday – 10K RACE – 2 mile warm-up, 10K race in 38:00, 3 mile cool-down (overall pace 6:53)
Sunday – 6 easy @ 7:30 pace + squats, lunges, core & pushups
Total Mileage: 58.16 miles Average Weekly Pace: 7:12 Total 2014 miles: 1,295.21/3,000
Is this a busy or lazy weekend for you?
Who’s your favorite celebrity – running or otherwise – that you’ve ever met/seen?