My Experiences (So Far) with Running While Pregnant
Before I got pregnant with Lavinia I wondered how I would handle being pregnant and not being entirely on control of when/how/how much exercises I could do. I was so used to being in a constant state of training for something that it was hard to imagine not being in that space. In both of my pregnancies, I was so surprised to find that the moment I found out I was pregnant my approach to running immediately relaxed. I was able to just enjoy running for fun and embraced not working towards and immediate running goal. I’ve had a lot of people over the past almost 3 years (how has it almost been 3 years since I found out I was pregnant with Lavinia?!?) ask me about my experience with pregnancy running and it wasn’t until recently that I realized
The First Trimester

With Lavinia my training basically halted for the duration of the first trimester because I was so nauseated all day, every day for a few weeks straight. I tried to get on the stationary bike a few days a week when I was feeling better but for the most part I was on the couch watching Friday Night Lights on Netflix for a few weeks straight.
We were totally surprised by my current pregnancy so unlike with my first I was in the middle of track season. I had one more race on my schedule and I realllly wanted to participate in it even if it wasn’t going to be a PR. When I found out I was pregnant the race was 4 weeks away so my coach and I decided to proceed with caution and keep doing some workouts and long runs (paired back from what my norm is) in preparation for the race. I was on high alert for morning sickness/if things didn’t feel right but I was able to continue running and doing some workouts and raced a 3K in 10:20 at 8 weeks pregnant.
After the First Trimester
With both of my pregnancies I paired things back a bit from what I was doing before I got pregnant. During the 2nd trimester I’ve averaged 5 runs per week (both in my first and current pregnancies) and with Lavinia my mileage in the 2nd trimester averaged right around 20 miles/week. Currently I’m making it my goal to hit 25-30 miles per week but last week I only made it to 22. Most of my runs right now are between 3-5 miles and I try to get in a longer run on the weekend, most recently I did 8 and this coming weekend I’m going to attempt 10. Since this time around I don’t have the missing chunk of training from the first trimester I feel like I’ve been able to maintain my consistency well and I’m going to attempt to run some races this fall… just run not compete at all… so I’m planning to keep my running volume a little higher than last time around. My overall training volume will be pretty consistent though because I did a lot of training on the bike in my first pregnancy which I’m not doing this time around.
The Importance of Cross Training

During both pregnancies I added some cross training into my weekly routine. Since the stationary bike is the only thing that felt good during the first trimester with Lavinia that carried through the rest of my pregnancy and I would cross train on the bike 1-2 days per week. I also would go walking with a close friend about once a week and go on long walks with Herni and the dogs on a regular basis. This time around my cross training consists of strength training, going to Fit4Mom classes once a week and doing JasYoga prenatal videos. I also just ordered some goggles on Amazon and am planning to hit up the gym for some swimming. I love added cross training in while pregnant because it allows me to slightly increase my training volume, is more gentle on my body than running is and the strength training and yoga is great preparation for a medication-free labor & delivery which I’m going to try and do again.
Being Active as a Famil
I spend most of my time when I am not pregnant training for a specific race or goal, which means that I have to be really focused with my physical activity most of the time. I can’t go on long family hikes on Sundays because I either did a long run that morning or I’m recovering from my long run the day before. During pregnancy I embrace the idea of not having any races or immediate goals on the horizon and make sure that we get outside as a family for fun activities together. We go hiking, ride bikes, do family workouts in the park and generally just try to find ways to be active as a family!
Outside Influences
Two big factors that have influenced what my pregnancy running has looked like are my work situation and the weather. During my first pregnancy I was in graduate school and working part time as a high school cross country coach. Most of my pregnancy was also during the cooler months here in Southern California. This afforded me the opportunity to dedicate a fair amount of time to exercise and being active during that pregnancy. Currently I am working full time and the weather is oppressively hot! My free time when I can fit in some cross training is limited and even if I wanted to take Liv on walks after dinner or something like that to get a little extra movements for the day it’s still too hot, even in the evenings. I’m pretty laid back about most things during pregnancy but the heat is not something I want to mess around with, for my and baby girl’s sake.
In both of my pregnancies I ran/run 100% by feel and don’t think about or try to hit certain paces. In my first pregnancy I was generally able to keep a faster pace (<8 min pace even into my 3rd trimester) but this pregnancy I’ve already been slowing down a bit and my runs are in the 8:30-9:30 range… the slower end of that being when I run with the stroller.
I bought very few maternity fitness clothes when I was pregnant the first time, I maybe had 2 maternity shirts specifically meant for working out and 1 pair of maternity leggings that were really only good for low impact activities. This time around we’ll see how long I can go without needing to start borrowing from Henri’s closet or finally give in and buy some specifically maternity active wear.
I LOVE my Adidas Energy Boost and Ultra Boost shoes during pregnancy. They are just so cushioned and comfy that they keep my feet happy during my pregnancy runs. I also love that the uppers are so flexible… which is great for those later pregnancy weeks when your feet start swelling.
Last time around I borrowed a belly support band from a friend but I’m already researching a band to buy to keep my back happy.
Sports bras – the Nike Pro Classic Swoosh Sports Bra is my favorite running bra pregnant or not! When I’m not pregnant I can get away with wearing some of my “lower impact” bras but when I’m pregnant I definitely cannot!
Listening to my Body
Overall, my experiences with pregnancy running so far have boiled down to listening to my body. If there’s a day that I don’t feel like running I don’t, and I don’t beat myself up about it. If I’m feeling good I’ll run a little longer. Running during pregnancy for me is more about the routine, enjoying some time outside and feeling good rather than about making any fitness gains. I do it because I love it but if a day ever comes in this pregnancy or any future pregnancy that I’m not enjoying running or it doesn’t feel good any more I won’t hesitate to take a running break.
Just a reminder that this is simply my experience with running during the 1.5 pregnancies that I have experienced so far. This is not meant to be taken as advice on how to proceed with your pregnancy running/fitness. As always, check with your doctor or midwife about your specific pregnancy.