My 26th Birthday: Lessons from the Last Year
Wow this week is flying by FAST! I can’t believe that it is already Thursday!
Today I’m Thinking Out Loud in a little different format. Today is my 26th birthday and so I’ve been spending quite a bit of time this week thinking back over the past year and wanted to share some things that I’ve learned in my 26th year!
This year I learned…
… that going back to school 3 years after graduating from college is hard – but so worth it!
… that I LOVE coaching and it really is what I want to do for the rest of my life! Getting to coach cross country and track for the first time was one of my favorite things about being 25!

… that California is the right place for us. I’m so grateful for the year that we spent in MA but ever since we moved back I’m convinced that this is where we are meant to be. Who knows if we’ll ever live anywhere else but for now California is home!
… that seeing Henri succeed and love his job makes me happier than anything else! Even though it means that he’s gone for weeks at a time, I’ve never seen him happier in any job than doing what he’s doing right now!

… that pregnancy and preparing for a baby is a crazy ride! So much has changed over the past 9 months, there have been a lots of symptoms, things to learn and prepare, and our little one isn’t even here yet!
… that missing out on running/racing isn’t bad at all when the reason is pregnancy. Last fall I so badly wanted to run Boston but when marathon weekend rolled around and I wasn’t there I wasn’t sad one bit because I had the BEST reason in the world for not being there!
–> BUT I am more ready than ever to get back to training and running fast after Lavinia makes her arrival! I’ve missed racing like crazy and can’t wait to get back to pre-baby fitness!
Make sure to check out the Olympic Trials action today! Lots of exciting stuff going on – like the 1500m prelims [including new mama Sarah Brown], the women’s 5000m prelims and the women’s 3000m steeplechase final!
You can stream all of the events LIVE here.