Mother’s Day Recap: 2018
Happy Monday friends!
I am so excited about this week because it’s the first time in 10 weeks that I don’t have to work on the weekend or have a race on the schedule myself. I honestly think that I was sick for such a long time last month because I was just burnt out from go-go-going for 2+ months straight. We have two more weeks left of track season and then I’m planning on soaking up every last minute of summer!
When I first found out that I wouldn’t be home for the first half of Mother’s Day because of a trip for work I was really bummed. But Henri was determined to make the time we did have together to celebrate special. When I was at the airport waiting for board my flight I got a super cute text from Henri, Lavinia and Laci saying “Happy Mother’s Day!” I couldn’t wait to get home and see those smiling faces!
My flight landed around noon and Henri and Lavinia were waiting to pick me up with a handpicked flower in hand! Livy was just the sweetest when she saw me coming down the escalator – she yelled “mama” started running towards me and gave me the biggest hug. It absolutely made my day!

Then we were off for our brunch reservation at one of my favorite spots, Plum’s Cafe! We had a really nice meal – enough thought it was in the middle of nap time and Lavinia got a bit antsy while we were waiting for our food. The coloring page entertained her for maybe 20 minutes but then she needed to get some energy out so Henri and I took turns going on little walks with her.
When our food finally came she was all business – she ate all three of her pancakes and was very protective of her bacon. If I tried to sneak even the tiniest piece of bacon she would shake her finger and me and say “HEY!”… Henri and I cracked up every single time! I’m usually a sweet breakfast person but after eating Voodoo Doughnuts every day for 3 days in a row I was craving something more on the savory side. I tried the shirred eggs – which I’ve eyed every time I’ve gone to Plum’s but had never ordered before and they were absolutely delicious!
Lavinia also helped Dada chow down on his toast – I think this might be my favorite picture of the day.
After brunch we headed home so Livy could take a nap and I ended up joining her for about an hour. Then Henri and I hung out and watched some Netflix until she woke up. We finished off our relaxing day with a family walk with the dogs and grilling out burgers (<- this is becoming something of a Sunday night tradition around here).
It was the perfect, low-key Mother’s Day. I’m so glad that I got to celebrate with my little family and I am forever thankful that this sweet girl made me a mama!