Lavinia Grace: 24 MONTH UPDATE
Yesterday, our little girl turned 2! It seems like just yesterday she was this tiny 6lb 14oz munchkin. In celebration of Lavinia’s birthday I thought I would share a little 24 month update today. Henri and I continue to say that each new age is our favorite but this age really is sooo much fun! We are a little obsessed with our sweet girl and couldn’t be more proud of the big girl she’s grown into!

STATS: At her 2 year well-visit yesterday she was 32.5 inches tall and weighed 22.5 lbs. Still a little peanut!
EATING: Liv is a normal toddler when it comes to eating, some days she eats a lot and some days she doesn’t want to eat anything. Some days she wants to eat alllll the fruit, and other days she will devour protein (like chicken or hot dogs). Things are unpredictable but for the most part I’m happy with her eating habits. She tries lots of things and likes healthy foods like fruits, veggies, yogurt, etc. so I don’t stress when she doesn’t eat very much because what she does eat is usually relatively healthy.
I give her what we are eating for most meals and she generally does a good job of eating a portion of it. Her favorite foods are probably blueberries, strawberries, cereal, ice cream, pancakes + muffins.
SLEEP: I really feel like we lucked out in this department, she is still such a good sleeper! We put the toddler railing on her bed about 2.5 weeks ago and she transitioned super easily. She has only gotten out of bed once to pick up a book on the floor and then read it in her bed. We are currently putting her down for bed between 7-7:30p and she wakes up anywhere from 6:45-7:45a.
- Bubbles – the sheer joy on her face when we play with bubbles is one of my favorite things!
- Balloons
- Running with mommy in the stroller
- Her doggies (and any doggies) – and luckily for her, now that she is a little bit more gentle (and is constantly trying to feed the dogs her food, they like her more and are up for playing fetch and cuddling with her!
- Facetiming her aunts, uncles, cousin and grandparents
- Family movies – her favorites are Moana + Coco
- Coloring
- The park – the slide is still a fave!
- Hikes in the hiking backpack
- Babies! – she is so sweet to the our friends’ babies and I think she is so excited that we are having a baby of our own soon. She loves them so much though that she wants to hug, kiss and tuck them in all of the time so we are definitely going to have to work on giving baby brother or sister some space before January lol
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again but Lavinia is super chill and mellow. There aren’t a ton of things that she dislikes but the two that stick out right now are…
- Swim lessons – we did a series of 10, semi-private swim lessons with our friends this summer and Liv has had a hard time adjusting to the lessons. She has definitely made some progress but there have been a lot of tears shed during our time in the pool. There have been lots of laughs as well but the lessons are really hard for me because sometimes she is so upset.
- When she wants to do something herself but can’t. She is very independent and it is frustrating to her when she is not able to do something (like put her shoes on by herself) or when we won’t let her do something by herself (like walking alone in a parking lot).
- First (and 2nd and 3rd) trip to the San Diego Zoo
- Playing pretend – this has started happening more and more in the recent weeks and it is so cute to me. I love watching her imagination grow!
- She’s had an explosion of words and is even saying little 2 and 3 word sentences like “I do it”, “I running”, “I don’t like it” and “I clean up”. I’m just so obsessed with her little voice.
- We gave up the pacifier a few months ago, it was a little bit of a rough transition but she handled it like a champ.
- Swim lessons.
- Transitioned to her toddler bed.
- Over the past few week’s we’ve slowly been practicing using the potty. She’s peed on it a few times and sits on it pretty regularly. We are planning a potty training bootcamp in the next few weeks though so we’ll see how that goes.
- First nights spent away from mommy and daddy. She spent 1 night with her grandparents 2 different times over the spring in preparation to stay with them for a week when Henri and I went on our trip to Amsterdam.
Oh my goodness, I wish I could bottle her up and this age to remember forever. She is just the sweetest and I don’t want to forget a thing, particularly I want to remember…
- Her sweet voice!
- Her hugs and kisses!
- The way she gets soooo excited over the littlest things! Her jaw will drop, she points at whatever is interesting and then goes “OH!” It is so fun to see the world through her eyes.
- How hard she is working to figure everything out these days. She studies things intently, copies things that Henri and I do and in general is just figuring she reacout the world around her.
- When she tries to sing along to her favorite songs.
- The way that she reaches her arms up to me and says “up” when she wants me to hold her.
- Our bedtime snuggles when she puts her arm around my neck or rubs my shoulder… makes it very, very hard to leave and let her go to sleep.
- Her adorable giggle!
- Her excitement about baby brother or sister! She loves to give them kisses and the other day even offered to put her sticker on my belly for the baby… cue all of the pregnant, hormonal, mom tears!
And that’s a wrap… or should I say rap? lol
Past Lavinia Grace Updates:
18 months
12-15 months
1st Birthday + Ice Cream Social Party
6 months
5 months
3 months
2 months
1 month