Gender Myths for Baby #2

Tomorrow Henri, Lavinia and I get to find out if Baby Floris #2 is a boy or a girl! We are so excited to learn a little bit more about the new person joining our family in January. I thought that before we learn girl or boy it would be fun to go through a few old wives’ tales/gender prediction myths and see what they say. I shared these same predictions for Lavinia when I was pregnant with her if you want to check those here.

Myth #1: If you are carrying low it’s a boy, if you’re carrying high it’s a girl.

I’m carrying low which would predict boy but I also carried low with Lavinia.

Myth #2: Girls steal their moms’ beauty so you get more acne, boy moms have more of the “glow”.

This one definitely predicts girl! I’ve really had a lot more acne than usual these past few months. 

Myth #4: Salty and sour cravings signal a boy, if you crave sweets it’s a girl.

Similar to my pregnancy with Lavinia I haven’t experienced many cravings. The ones that I have had, though, have been on the salty/sour end of the spectrum so this myth would predict boy.

Myth #3: Heart rate over 140 means girl, below 140 means boy.

The two times that we’ve heard baby’s heart beat so far their heart rate was over 140 – so girl from this one.

Myth #5: According to the Chinese birth calendar your age at conception and the month that you conceive can determine if you are having a boy or girl.

This one is just fun to check – based on the calculator I used it says girl.

Myth #6: If you have really bad morning sickness that means you’re having a girl, if you sail through the first trimester you’re having a boy. 

My morning sickness this time around was much more mild than with Lavinia. I really only had low lying levels of nausea and never threw up. This myth would predict boy.

BOY = 3 / GIRL = 3

So…. the predictions are split right down the middle, which just goes to show that these old wives’ tales aren’t exactly accurate haha. I am so excited for our ultrasound tomorrow and can honestly say that right now I don’t have a strong feeling one way or the other if this little one is a boy or girl. Can’t wait to find out!!

What’s your guess? Everyone’s consensus on Instagram the other day seemed to be boy.