Currently: July 2018
Hi friends, happy Friday!
This week has been rough around here so I’m really excited for the weekend. After three weeks in a row of travel and wonky schedules this week was 5 days in a row of regularly scheduled programming. It was most hard on Lavinia, who cried at daycare drop off on Wednesday for the first time since last September. I’m really looking forward to some good old family time this weekend and hope that we are able to start next week refreshed and ready to take on another 5 days of the normal grind.
Today I thought it would be fun to share a fun, light currently post. I hope you have fun reading my answers and feel free to jump in and share in the comments!
This week I am currently…
LOVING… stroller runs with Liv. Don’t get me wrong, they are definitely hard with the heat we are having and being 13 weeks pregnant but she is always excited when I ask her if she wants to go on a run with me and while we are out running she’ll tell me “mama I running!” Just the best!
FEELING… so proud that Lavinia knows her own name! We were Facetiming with my sister and brother-in-law and asked Liv “where to Autie Kellie and Uncle Joe live?” and she pointed at herself and said “Liv”. That was the first time that she’s acknowledged her name in front of me (I’m sure she’s done it at daycare or something) and it just gave me all the warm-fuzzy feelings!
CRAVING… all the ice cream! With temperatures hitting close to 100* every day ice cream is a must!
WORKING… on getting our house cleaned, organized and decorated! There are a lot of projects that I want to get done before baby #2 arrives so I’ve entered the nesting phase early! Specifically, this week I’ve been working on our guest room/my office – I’m especially loving this print and my new letter board (both from Hobby Lobby).
DREAMING… of whether this baby is a girl or boy. I’m thinking boy because I wasn’t as sick as I was with Liv but I also know that’s not necessarily an accurate prediction. Only a few more weeks until we can find out!
ENJOYING… all the family time that Henri, Liv and I have gotten this summer. The cross country and track seasons are really tough on us so it’s been so nice to get out for adventures together, be lazy at home together and just spend time the three of us.
PLANNING… what races I want to do after this baby gets here! Obviously that’s a long way away and things are bound to change but the 3 major races I would like to do in the year or so postpartum are the Peachtree 10K, Chicago Marathon and the Olympic Trials Marathon.

LOOKING FORWARD… to going to the San Diego Zoo this weekend to celebrate Lavinia’s birthday. We aren’t doing a party this year so instead we’re taking my husband’s family to the zoo!
What are you currently loving, craving, looking forward to, enjoying, etc.?