Here there! 

I hope that you had a great New Year’s Eve and Day. Ours was pretty laid back and relaxing. Wednesday we had family over for pizza and games. We were all surprised when we made it to midnight but the party broke up shortly after that and we were all in bed by 12:30! Yesterday included lots of sleeping in, tasty food, and football watching – both the American and the European kind. ManCity and Wisconsin both won their games, so overall it was a great day! 

On the running front – I finished out 2014 running with a pretty chilly 3x 2 mile workout and kicked off 2015 with an easy 8 miler and some strength work! 2015 running goals – here. I. come!

Today we’re back to work as usual which is kinda bleh if you ask me, but if I can make it through the 8 hours I know that 2 more days off are waiting for me! Woot!

This year I’m going to try something new. I’ve seen these “currently” posts floating around the internet for some time now and I love how they are a fun little snapshot of a moment in time. So instead of my usual wordy posts summarizing each month {that I’ve all but stopped writing recently because they get really long} I’m just going to pop in at the beginning of the month with a few “current” things in my life.

This month I’m Currently… 

CURRENTLY: January 2015

MAKING: A running scrapbook of my 2014 races. While I LOVE my little piece of the internet part of me will always be the nostalgic type that loves being able to hold pictures/b00ks/newspapers in my hands. I will make sure to share pictures when it’s all done. 🙂
READING: The sweetest Kristina sent me a digital version of Running with the Kenyans for Christmas and I am LOVING it! Such a good read!
LOOKING FORWARD: To my next half marathon. The Hyannis Half Marathon is exactly 51 days away and I cannot wait to toe the line! 

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half marathons rock my socks!

PLAYING: Trivia Crack – my cousins told me and Henri about this game on Christmas Eve and we’re hooked! 
WASTING: Lots of time re-watching season 4 of Downton Abbey before it comes back this SUNDAY. Who else is excited to see what season 5 will bring!?? 😀 
DRINKING: Lattes – so. many. lattes. 🙂

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WISHING: That it would just snow already! We’ve got a few dustings so far this year but there hasn’t been any significant snow yet! {remind me in March that this is what I was wishing for in January… ha}
LEARNING: To be content with where we are right now. There are a lot of changes coming in the next few months and it’s really easy for me to wish time away and I really just need to stop doing that.
ENJOYING: Seeing all the wedding and engagements recently! Henri and I were the first of our college friends to get married and within the past few months 5 couples we know have gotten engaged/married. I’m so excited for all the weddings that 2015 will hold!
WONDERING: If there is a single snuggle bug in the world better than my Laci. We have been getting in lots of cuddles especially during my post-long run naps. 🙂

photo (29)LOVING: Making new running buddies! My coach hooked me up with a few other gals in the area that he coaches and one lives just a few towns over from me. We’ve been able to get together for a few long runs and even a brutal 3x 2 mile workout and I’m absolutely LOVING having a buddy for these hard runs!
NEEDING: A good pair of running gloves/mittens. The temperatures really dropped this week and my fingers have been just a tad frozen on my runs recently. Anyone have any suggestions??
WEARING: My new J. Crew Lodge Moccasins My mom got these for me and all my sisters for Christmas and my younger sister bought them for my mom so there are now 4 pairs of these slippers in our house. I can’t get over how comfy they are and whenever I am home they are on my feet!

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FEELING: The urge to plan a vacation! Now… if only we had vacation days that would make that possible. :/
MISSING: Our California family like crazy. I mean how cute is my sister-in-law??

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 What are you currently reading, wishing, eating, loving, etc…..?

**I may have borrowed the idea of some or all of these topics from the lovely Carrie. 😉 Thanks for the ideas girl!**