2018 Brand Partnerships

2018 Brand Partnerships

Hi Friends – happy Monday! I was planning to write a weekend recap for you today but we had the most lovely, relaxing and boring weekend so a recap would have been quite boring. Saturday involved a lazy morning watching the Manchester City game… an 

Training Summary: 1/1/2018-1/7/2018

Training Summary: 1/1/2018-1/7/2018

This week’s training went relatively well with one little hiccup, on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning I was struck down by some sort of stomach bug or flu. I was down for the count and threw up a few times but it resolved pretty quickly 

Why You Should Plan Rest After Goal Races

Why You Should Plan Rest After Goal Races

It’s been a month since I ran the California International Marathon… and in that time I’ve taken 16 complete rest days, cross trained twice, and run a total of 81 miles (ie. the same amount of miles that I ran per WEEK during the height 

My New Training Buddy + Training Summary: 12/25-31/2017

My New Training Buddy + Training Summary: 12/25-31/2017

Happy New Year’s! Do you have any fun plans for tonight? We’re having our friends over for a sleepover so our girls can go down to bed at their normal time and we can *attempt* to make it to midnight together. (#thatmomlife am I right?) 

Training Summary: 12/18-24/2017

Training Summary: 12/18-24/2017

Merry Christmas Eve from Boston! Lavinia and I flew out on Wednesday to be with my family and Henri joined us last night (he couldn’t take any time off from work this past week). We’ve been enjoying lots of relaxing family time and have gotten 

My 2018 Running Plans + Goals

My 2018 Running Plans + Goals

As I’ve mentioned before on the blog, I’m not really one for New Year’s Resolutions but I do love taking some time at this time of year to look ahead and set some goals for the year ahead. The past 2.5 weeks have been a 

Things I Did Differently This Training Cycle to Run My 2:44 Marathon

Things I Did Differently This Training Cycle to Run My 2:44 Marathon

  It’s been over a week since my race at CIM and I’m finally starting to feel back to normal. No more limping and going up and down the stairs is MUCH easier now! I took the past 7 days completely off from exercise and 

CIM: Race Recap

CIM: Race Recap

I don’t even know where to begin my recap of CIM – it’s been 3 days since I crossed the finish line and I still cannot believe that I am 2:44 marathoner and an Olympic Trials Qualifier! I knew that I was capable of this 

Holiday Gift Guide: For the Mother Runner in Your Life

Holiday Gift Guide: For the Mother Runner in Your Life

Whether you are a mother runner or you’re shopping for one this holiday season here are my top picks this Christmas. Something They Want Runner’s World Subscription (currently $25 for a 2 year subscription!) // Drink All The Coffee, Run All the Miles Mug // Mother 

CIM: Goals, Mantras & Race Day Strategies

CIM: Goals, Mantras & Race Day Strategies

  GOALS Ever since I started training for CIM people have been asking me what my goal is. For the longest time my response has been “I’m going to see how my training goes and figure out my goals closer to race day.” But with