Training Summary – 8/18-8/24/2014

Training Summary – 8/18-8/24/2014

Training Summary – 8/18/14-8/24/14 Monday – AM: 7.03 miles @ 7:42 pace + core work and push-ups PM: NTC Marathon Prep Workout Tuesday – 8.02 miles @ 7:50 pace + NTC Arm Definer workout Wednesday – rest day – 2 mile walk w/ dogs + core work Thursday – 8.15 miles @ 7:50 

Training Summary – 8/17/2014

Training Summary – 8/17/2014

At about 2:30 yesterday afternoon Henri and I found ourselves wondering how it was possible that the weekend was almost over. This weekend was the perfect combination of relaxing and busy. Lots of laundry, a date to one of my favorite restaurants in Boston, a 

Runner’s World Festival!

It’s Friday! Wahooo!  My morning has been great so far! After sleeping in a little extra, getting in my morning run, making a really tasty smoothie bowl for breakfast, and picking up a cappuccino on the way into work I’m convinced that all Fridays should start off like this.In 

Why I LOVE Being on a Team

Hey-o! How is it already Wednesday? I love it when weeks fly by… especially when you have something really exciting to look forward to at the end of them. This Sunday I’m running my first race with NB Boston! I ran the Falmouth Road Race 5 

Hello There & Training Summary – 8/10/2014

Hello there! Long time no chat… I took a little bit of an unexpected time off from blogging last week, for no reason other than I needed a little bit of a break. It was nice to relax at the end of each day without feeling 

Training Summary – 8/3/2014

We’re having a great Sunday here in the WRFB house. I hope that the last few hours of your weekend are awesome! Just popping in to share my training from this week. 🙂Sunday Summary – 8/3/2014 Monday – 6 miles @ 7:30 pace Tuesday – NB Boston Practice 

A Triathlon & Training Summary – 7/27/2014

After a really busy Saturday the only thing I wanted to do Sunday morning was sleep in… BUT we got to do something even better! My sister and her boyfriend were doing a triathlon with some of their college friends so we went out to 

Training Summary – 7/20/2014

**Sorry for the ginormous pictures, I’m blogging from my iPad and have no idea how to adjust the size on it, haha** Maine has been a blast, I love how long the days at the lake feel! Yesterday morning after breakfast we wandered down to 

Why I’m Taking a Step Back & Training Summary 7/13/2014

Bear with me on this post – lots of words, not many pictures. So my training this past week was pretty much non-existent. I told you last Sunday that I had decided to take a step back in my training and that has continued through this 

Training Summary – 6/8/2014

Yesterday was such an amazing day! We were go go go all day… from 5 am to 10pm! Heartbreak Hill 10K first thing in the morning – Such a fun event AND I got to see Sarah for the second time in two weeks! (full race recap