Training Summary: 12/29/2015-1/4/2015

Training Summary: 12/29/2015-1/4/2015

My training this week has gone pretty well. I had two stress workouts and I was able execute both on pace despite pretty rough weather conditions. I’ve been making time for all the little things – like dynamic warm-ups, core, strength workouts and yoga and have the soreness to 

Training Summary: 12/22/2014-12/28/2014

Training Summary: 12/22/2014-12/28/2014

Training Summary: 12/22/2014-12/28/2014  Monday – dynamic warm-up + 8.10 miles around the lake loop near my parents’ house @ 7:35 pace Tuesday – Hill workout on the treadmill in the dark before work [2 mile warm-up, 12x 400m hills @ tempo pace w/ 400m jogging rest, 1 

Training Summary: 12/15/2014-12/21/2014

Training Summary: 12/15/2014-12/21/2014

Training Summary: 12/15/2014-12/21/2014  Monday – AM: dynamic warm-up + 7 miles easy @ 7:30 pace PM: 30 mins core + push-ups Tuesday – AM: 8 miles easy @ 7:30 pace  PM: 30 mins yoga/stretching Wednesday – 11 mile workout [2 mile warm-up, 6x 1 mile repeats around the loop road with 2 mins 

Year End Coaching Discount!

Year End Coaching Discount!

Just about one year ago I started coaching my first runner (a big shout out to Cori for trusting and believing in me as her coach!) and since then I’ve fallen in love with helping others reach their running goals! There is nothing better than 

Training Summary: 12/1/2014-12/14/2014

Training Summary: 12/1/2014-12/14/2014

Training Summary: 12/1/2014-12/7/2014  Monday – (AM) dynamic warm-up + 8 miles easy @ 7:32 pace (PM) 20 mins core + push-ups Tuesday – (AM) 10 mile workout [2 mile warm-up, 12x 600m w/ 200m slow jogging rest (2:08, 2:06, 2:05, 2:06, 2:05, 2:04, 2:05, 2:04, 2:04, 2:03, 2:04, 

Training Summary: 11/24/2014-11/30/2014

Training Summary: 11/24/2014-11/30/2014

Training Summary: 11/24/2014-11/30/2014  Monday – 8 miles easy with 10x 20 sec strides thrown in – 7:16 average pace Tuesday – 7 mile HILLY run @ 7:25 with Henri (!!!) + 5 minute planks & 50 crunches Wednesday – 10.62 mile workout [2 mile warm-up, 3x 2 mile 

Training Summary: 11/17/2014-11/23/2014

Training Summary: 11/17/2014-11/23/2014

Training Summary: 11/17/2014-11/23/2014  Monday – 7 recovery miles @ 7:51 + 15 minutes core work Tuesday – AM: 7 miles @ 7:35 + 100 crunches PM: 30 minutes yoga/stretching (I’m working on HEADSTANDS!)  Wednesday – 11 mile workout [2 mile warm-up, 6x 1 mile on the track (6:08, 

When It’s Winter but You Hate Running on the Treadmill

When It’s Winter but You Hate Running on the Treadmill

Sometimes I really wish I didn’t hate the treadmill as much as I do.  When I checked the weather report last night so see what I was in for in the morning and saw 20 degrees with a real feel of 15 I almost wanted to curl up 

Training Summary: 11/10/2014-11/16/2014

Training Summary: 11/10/2014-11/16/2014

Training Summary: 11/10/2014-11/16/2014  Monday – 8 miles @ 7:25 pace Tuesday – 10 mile workout [2 mile warm-up, 12x600m w/200m jogging rest (2:01, 2:05, 2:04, 2:03, 2:03, 2:01, 2:00, 2:01, 2:03, 2:02, 2:00, 1:58), 2 mile cool-down] 6:49 average pace Wednesday – 7 miles recovery @ 7:40 pace 

Training Summary: 11/3/2014-11/9/2014

Training Summary: 11/3/2014-11/9/2014

Training Summary: 11/3/2014-11/9/2014  Monday – 8 miles @ 7:28 pace Tuesday – 7 miles @ 7:33 pace + 15 mins core work Wednesday – AM: 8.6 mile workout [2 mile warm-up, 4x 1 mile on the track (6:02, 5:49, 5:49, 5:53) with 400m jog between repeats, 2 mile