Training Summary: 2/22/2016-2/28/2016

Training Summary: 2/22/2016-2/28/2016

Training Summary: 2/22/2016-2/28/2016 Monday: 3.5 mile run @ 8:22 pace with the girls track team I coach Tuesday: 3.5 mile hill workout [1 mile warm-up, 8x 200m STEEP hills, 1 mile cool-down] 8:12 average pace   Wednesday: [AM] 4 mile run @ 7:37 pace [PM] 90 minute walk  Thursday: Rest Day Friday: 5.09 

Training Summary: 2/8/2016-2/14/2016

Training Summary: 2/8/2016-2/14/2016

Training Summary: 2/8/2016-2/14/2016 Monday: 4 mile run @ 7:47 pace + 10 minutes core Tuesday: 3 mile run @ 7:40 pace + 30 minutes weights Wednesday: 4 mile run @ 7:45 pace + 10 minutes core Thursday: 60 minute bike ride + 30 minutes weights  Friday: [AM] 3 mile run @ 7:30 

2016 Olympic Trials Marathon Recap

2016 Olympic Trials Marathon Recap

Happy Valentine’s Day! I got the sweetest text message at midnight Henri’s time and we had a breakfast Facetime date which both brought the biggest smile to my face even though he is far away today. Love you Henri!  Yesterday’s Olympic Trials Marathon was incredible! 

Olympic Marathon Trials Preview

Olympic Marathon Trials Preview

Thank you for all your sweet comments on yesterday’s announcement and on Instagram. Henri and I are so excited for our little girl!  I also want to say thank you for putting up with this blog becoming more of a pregnancy blog the past few weeks 

Training Summary: 2/1/2016-2/7/2016

Training Summary: 2/1/2016-2/7/2016

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!!  I’ll be spending the morning studying for tomorrow’s test so I can relax and enjoy the festivities of the game later on!! See you tomorrow for Baby Floris’s 16 week update – for now here are the workouts we did together 

Training Summary: 1/25/2016-1/31/2016

Training Summary: 1/25/2016-1/31/2016

Happy Sunday! I hope you are enjoying the last day of your weekend! It’s gloomy and rainy here which I’m kind of loving for a relaxing Sunday. Just wanted to pop in and share my workouts from this week. 🙂 Training Summary: 1/25/2016-1/31/2016 Monday: 3 mile 

Training Summary: 1/18/2016-1/24/2016

Training Summary: 1/18/2016-1/24/2016

Last week I talked about how I’m learning to listen to my body when it comes to fitness and working out while pregnant and today I got another major lesson in this. I planned to do my long run this morning BUT I woke up 

What I love most about pregnancy running & Training Summary: 1/11/2016-1/17/2016

What I love most about pregnancy running & Training Summary: 1/11/2016-1/17/2016

I have a confession to make: I love pregnancy running! Granted, I’m only 13 weeks along and still look and feel just like I did before I got pregnant (for the most part). I’m sure I’ll develop more of a love-hate relationship with running when I’m 

Training Summary: 1/4/2016-1/10/2016

Training Summary: 1/4/2016-1/10/2016

It’s hard to believe that the last training summary that I shared with you all was alllll the way back in October! My training and workouts have changed quite a bit since we got the news that Baby Floris was on his/her way as you’ll 

Training Summary: 9/28/2015-10/4/2015

Training Summary: 9/28/2015-10/4/2015

Hi there! Hope you’re having a great Sunday so far! Mine has been busy in the best of ways – I was up at 5am to drive into LA for an 8K race (more on that later), grabbed coffee at my favorite shop, went to