At Home Date Night with Date Night Box In
**It’s Friday, Friday! Gotta get down on Fridayyyyy!**
but… I’m actually writing this from my hotel in San Diego where I am for a track meet with my team so today actually isn’t the beginning of the weekend for me, whomp whomp

Even though I have a shortened weekend this weekend I have some fun plans that I’m excited about when I get back from SD tomorrow afternoon. Saturday night some of my friends and I are headed out for a Moms Night Out dinner, Sunday morning I have my long run (that’ll be fun after a late dinner the night before haha), and then we have a whole lot of family time planned for the rest of Sunday! I hope you have some fun things that you’re looking forward to this weekend!
Today I’m so excited to share about something fun that Henri and I got to try for the first time earlier this week. For the past year or so we have felt soooooo busy! Our schedules are so crazy that we really only see each other for an hour or two on the weekdays, and we are so tired during that time that we end up lounging on the couch watching Netflix. And even though we are really intentional about how we spend our time on the weekends there are still things that take us away from each other for chunks of time… ie. he and his dad have their renovation projects on the house and I have my long runs. When we have free time we want to spend it all together with our family of 3 and so date nights/quality couple time just us has kind of dwindled.
A few months ago we set a goal to get out for at least 1 date night a month just us and we were doing great until recently when track season kicked into high gear. (We are currently smack in the middle of 5 weekends in a row where either I or my team have a race…. crazy pants!). We realized that while we will still have the goal to get out of the house for our monthly dates that we shouldn’t let them fall by the wayside if it’s just impossible for a given season. So we’ve started incorporating some at home dates – but we aren’t super creative so these ended up just being ordering in food (yay for not cooking) and watching a movie – which is a little bit special because we typically stick to TV shows.
Then I saw an ad on Facebook for Date Night In and was immediately intrigued! Fun, creative, in-home dates sent directly to you each month? What could be better?!
We received our first Date Night In Box earlier this week and on Wednesday I cooked up a nice dinner and we enjoyed a little at-home date night once Henri got home from work.
The theme of this month’s date was “Blind Date” and our included in our box were – two blindfolds, gourmet cotton candy, masking tape, a mini white board, dry erase marker, chapstick and an instruction booklet with a link to audio instructions for the night. (and in a total rookie move/because we were so excited to start our date I totally spaced on taking a picture, haha)
Since this was our first box I can’t speak to how this date was different than the usual but from what the note said there is usually a paper date itinerary rather than the audio itinerary this month that walked us through every step of the date. I really enjoyed the audio instructions and
Our first activity was blindfolded drawing… I think Henri and I were both impressed with my blindfolded beach drawing.Henri’s assignment was to draw a portrait of me while blindfolded and I about fell out of my seat laughing when he turned the white board around to show me his masterpiece.
Next we took turns setting up obstacle courses and guiding the other person through them while they were blindfolded using only verbal instructions. We really enjoyed this activity and were both surprised by how disoriented it is possible to feel in your own house when you are blindfolded. Having Henri step over Lavinia’s scooter probably wasn’t the safest idea but luckily he was able to navigate it safely!
My absolute favorite activity of the night was the last one we did, we were instructed to cuddle up on the couch, both with our blindfolds on and were asked 10 questions to answer/discuss for about 1 minute. It was really fun to hear Henri’s answers to the questions and as the person on the recording said having the blindfolds on really enabled us to listen to the other person without getting distracted by various things… like the pile of clean laundry on the floor near us, what the dogs might be doing, etc.
We’re already looking forward to next month’s Date Night In Box and what surprises it will hold! I’m also thinking that it might make a great gift for our soon-to-be-parents friends, as we know just how hard it is to get out of the house for a date in those early months of parenting.
If you are interested in trying Date Night In Box for yourself click here to check out their website and order yours!
**I received this month’s Date Night in Box complimentary in exchange for my honest review, all thoughts expressed in this post are my own. Affiliate links are included in this post, thank you so much for supporting my little corner of the internet.