A Wonderful, Lazy Weekend
Happy Monday! I’m enjoying a rest day today to kick off race week! I’m racing a track 10K this Saturday and I’m excited, nervous and everything in between. I’ve never run a 10K on the track and it’s been a looooong time since I raced at 9:30pm so we’ll see how this goes. If anything I feel like I’m in much better shape than I was this past August when I ran my 10K PR (on the road) so I’m definitely going to be going after a PR on Saturday… by how much is yet to be seen.
This weekend was just what I needed. After a few weekends in a row with Henri and his dad working our upstairs bathroom and me having to work a track meet I felt like it had been a long time since we had had a lazy, family-filled weekend – and that’s just what the past two days were.
On Saturday I took the opportunity to sleep in, once Liv was awake we had breakfast and headed out to do some errands – we went to a local running shoe store to buy me some spikes for this weekend and to Whole Foods. I don’t know why but I love family trips to the grocery store, even more than solo trips. We came home with bags full of food for the week!
Liv went down for her nap and I took advantage of nap time to get my run in. Some weekends sleep wins over running in the mornings but the miles still need to get done. 9 nap-time miles it was.
I spent the rest of nap time doing some food prep for the week and working on two recipes for the blog (coming soon!). Then once the babe was up we settled in as a family to watch Coco – this movie was absolutely adorable!! We took a quick intermission about halfway through for dinner, pizza + salad = the perfect long run fuel. We finished the movie while enjoying some of the cookies I had baked during nap time and then headed to bed shortly after putting Liv down.
Sunday started with coffee, toast and coaching plans before Henri and Liv were up.
This once they woke up we spent some family time together until it was time for my long run. As I was heading out the door Henri and Liv settled in to watch the Manchester City soccer game.
Liv went down for an early nap so after my run and her nap we headed out for a little family date and a quick errand. We stopped at Panera for lunch and Liv demolished her mac + cheese, milk and yogurt – girl can eat!
Then Henri suggested we pop into Barnes and Noble and we found the cutest little book series called “Baby’s Big World”. We got two of their books – Women Who Changed the World and Yoga. Liv was very proud of her new book and carried it all the way back to the car, and showed it off to quite a few people along the way, haha.
The whole point of our outing was to pick up door knobs at Lowe’s because all of the door knobs in our house are 1) ugly and 2) mismatching. We got some that are soooo much better, but unfortunately the store was 2 short of what we needed. Henri’s going to stop at another Lowe’s on his way home today to buy the 2 additional that we need.
While Henri installed the door knobs Liv and I hung out in her playroom, she played and I worked on my athletes’ training plans for the week. I finished up quickly and then it was time to make dinner! Why do the weekends fly by??
We finished the night off watching The Oscars and went to bed right when they were over – hello 9pm bedtime!
And now it’s time to do it all over again! Hope your week is off to a good start!
What was your favorite part of your weekend?
Did you watch the Oscars? What did you think of the winners? I just cannot get on board with all the awards for Shape of Water – I haven’t seen it but that movie looks W.E.I.R.D!!! Although, I will admit that Guillermo del Toro’s speeches were quite endearing.