A Typical Day: Track Season 2018
Happy Monday Friends!
I hope you had a great weekend. Ours felt super short because I worked on Saturday (track meet) and Henri and his dad worked on the upstairs bathroom most of the day yesterday so we didn’t get very much family time. It’s always a bummer when that happens but we made sure to make the most of the family time that we did get together. We played, read books and even got to soak up some Livy cuddles last night when we watched a movie before bed. Liv is the kind of kid that won’t pay attention to the TV if you try and put her down in front of a show so you can get something done but as long as mom and dad are both on the couch with her she will sit and snuggle and watch a whole Disney movie. So a weekend movie has become a thing around here the past 2 or 3 weeks.
Today I’m sharing a little “day in the life” style post. I get a lot of questions about how I fit in my training with my job and mom duties. I’m very lucky in that my job really caters to my training and I’m able to get my runs and workouts in while I’m on campus for work. This is KEY! If I was working 40 hours a week and had to find the time for my training on top of that I can’t imagine how little sleep I would get or how much coffee I would have to drink to get through the day.
Also – working at a University has it’s perks – mainly the fact that there are a lot of yummy places to eat on campus if my training leaves me especially hungry one day and there is a rec center/gym on campus where I can do my strength work and/or shower after my runs.
My schedule changes us quite a bit every few months depending on whether we are in season, out of season, or in a stretch of particularly frequent travel. Right now we are in season and the competitions are just starting to pick up so things are pretty consistent day-to-day and week-to-week right now. Below is the schedule of my typical day during this time:
A Typical Day: Track Season 2018
5 am – wake up, get dressed, pour coffee, make toast and grab all my stuff for the day
5:30 am – load up the car and head to work
6-8 am – track practice: most days of the week we have at least a few athletes doing a workout so I’m monitoring workouts, timing intervals, etc. // if I’m lucky and everyone has an easy run and I have an easy run on the schedule I can run with the girls team.
8 am – time for my run if I wasn’t able to get it in.
10 am-2:30 pm – work, work, work – lots of planning travel, preparing for upcoming trips, making sure bills have been paid, ordering team clothing and gear, etc.
2:30 pm – leave work – if I have to do strength on the day in question I’ll hit up the rec center on campus on my way to my car and the evening times will be shifted back a half hour or so.
3:15 pm – pick Lavinia up at daycare
3:30/4 pm – arrive home: most days we go straight home but some times we have to run a quick errand

4-6 pm – mommy-Livy time: most days this is at home, a few days a week we’ll walk to the park, or take the dogs on a walk around our neighborhood
6:00 pm – dinner

6:45 pm – bedtime routine for Liv: jammies on, 2 books, say our prayers and sing a song
7:00 pm – Liv goes down for the night
7-8 pm – lounge around for an hour until Henri gets home from work
8:00 pm – Henri gets home and he eats dinner while I clean up the kitchen a little bit, set the coffee maker for the next morning, make my lunch for the next day, etc. We spend a little more time organizing together when he’s done with dinner and then we sit down for a show before bed
9-10 pm – watch 1 show together – if I wasn’t able to do them earlier this is when I do my mini-band exercises
10 pm – check on Liv, brush teeth, lights out
I also get a lot of questions about what our childcare situation is like. In the mornings, when I’m gone so early for work Henri is getting Liv up and doing the morning routine with her and drops her off at daycare on his way to work. Luckily, he starts work at 10am so they have some pretty laid back, relaxing mornings together. Then she’s at an in-home daycare until I pick her up after work. We love our set up and feel really blessed to have found the daycare that we did. Liv loves her friends and the teachers are wonderful.
I’m also thankful for technology that allows me to FaceTime Henri and Liv in the mornings and for Henri to get to say goodnight to Liv since she’s asleep before he gets home from work – or for either of us to check in on her baby monitor when we aren’t home. 🙂
Working moms: What are your tips for balancing work, motherhood and training (if you run)?